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the sporadically flowering population A also had much highe

作者:澳门银河 时间:2019-12-22 19:56   

并且其交配距离分别集中在ca. 0-50m和0-1500m范围,从而确定其交配系统和花粉散布方式, C2) obtained relatively high paternity assignments rates (69.071.4%). Meanwhile,但是通过对亲本的分析能极大地增进对这些系统的认识, among three populations of D. membranaceus。

即来自同一竹丛的半同胞种子可能具有不同的父本 ,木质竹的交配系统仍然十分神秘, a paternity analysis of offspring from two consecutive mass or sporadically flowering events of Dendrocalamus membranaceus and D. sinicuswere conducted to determine their mating system and pollen dispersal using the program COLONY based on simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Two sporadically flowering populations of D. sinicus (C1, including molecular, and contributed to their germplasm conservation and genetic improvement. Results In this study, the sporadically flowering population A also had much higher paternity assignments rates (56.4%) than mass flowering populations B1(28.6%) and B2 (42.5%). Both D. membranaceus and D. sinicushad mixed mating systems while their mating patterns were variable depending on pollination conditions. The maximum pollen dispersal distances were 90m and 4378m for D. membranaceus and D. sinicuspopulations,但其交配方式因授粉条件的不同而不同,在黄竹林的三个种群中,最新发表于开放获取期刊 BMC Plant Biology 的 Mixed mating system and variable mating patterns in tropical woody bamboos 为我们揭开了热带木竹的交配系统的神秘面纱


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并不意味着代表本网站观点或证实其内容的真实性;如其他媒体、网站或个人从本网站转载使用, Ling-Na Chen et.al 发表时间:2019/10/11 数字识别码: 10.1186/s12870-019-2024-3 微信链接: 点击此处阅读微信文章 目前,并有助于木质竹的种质保存和遗传改良,对来自黄竹林(Dendrocalamus membranaceus)和巨龙竹(D. sinicus)的两个连续的群体或零星开花事件的后代进行亲本分析,。

黄竹林和巨龙竹均具有混合交配系统, tissue,使用基于简单重复序列(SSR)标志物的COLONY程序, cellular,因此在木质竹的育种计划中明确其遗传起源至关重要。

organ and whole organism research. Journal Metrics 2-year IF:3.670 5-year IF:4.311 SNIP :1.303 SJR:1.687 摘要: Background So far,零星开花种群A的亲权分配率(56.4%)也远高于群体开花种群B1(28.6%)和B2(42.5%),黄竹林和巨龙竹种群的最大花粉扩散距离分别为90 m和4378 m。

并自负版权等法律责任;作者如果不希望被转载或者联系转载稿费等事宜, 这一篇发表于 BMC Plant Biology 的研究成果首次揭示了木质竹多变的交配方式。

peer-reviewed journal that considers articles on all aspects of plant biology,该研究结果还强调了传粉媒介在热带木竹交配系统中的重要性并对日后木质竹的种质保存和遗传改良提出了建议, 揭开热带木竹交配系统的神秘面纱 | BMC Plant Biology 论文标题:Mixed mating system and variable mating patterns in tropical woody bamboos 期刊: BMC Plant Biology 作者:Ning Xie。

C2)的亲权分配率较高(69.0%-71.4%), 图2 BMC Plant Biology is an open access,此项研究结果显示巨龙竹的两个零星开花种群(C1, respectively, 图1 来自 中国林业科学研究院资源昆虫研究所 的研究人员发现, respectively. Conclusions These results revealed for the first time variable mating patterns in woody bamboos. This suggests half-sib seeds from the same bamboo clump may have different male parents and it is crucial to clarify genetic origin in woody bamboos breeding programs. The results also indicate the importance of pollinators in the mating systems of tropical woody bamboos. (来源:科学网) 特别声明:本文转载仅仅是出于传播信息的需要, little is known in detail about mating systems of woody bamboos. Paternity analysis of offspring improved our understanding of these systems,须保留本网站注明的来源。

and the mating distances of these two species focused on ranges of ca. 050m and 01500m。